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Showing posts from May, 2020

Pack of vases with procedural textures

This is a basic  pack of vases , with procedural shaders. They all have modifiers still active, none applied, so you can customize the shape of the vases as you like. There are 5 diferent shaders, 5 diferent shapes. Feel free to leave a comment, critique as you like. I'm still learning ;) You can download this pack for free (CC0 license) here:

Tank Paint, with decals and scratches

Following the progress made in the rocks with materials post , I started to  to develop a realistic paint for a tank modeling project that can be checked  here .  The node setup is here below: Since the website where I got the texture from, had several maps of the texture already set up, it was easy to get a realistic result.  One of the main ideas I had for the tank was to use decals on some specific parts of the texture. So, I  imported the front grill of the T-70 project, and tried to apply a decal to it.  We start with the same base texture for the grill. Then, use a ColorRamp and intensify the bumps with a Bump Node Using a Simple ColorRamp we can create the Roughness Map to use on the Principled Shader Then, we need to mix the decal, the scratches and the overall green texture Decal base image Decal With Separate RGB in Red Scratches base image Scratches ColorRamp output Mixing Scra...

First Sculpting - Alien sculpting

This is my first attempt to sculpt an alien, using Blender and sculpting tools. I followed the Alien sculpting tutorial from "Alien Sculpting | Beginner Follow Along Tutorial | Easy | Blender 2.8" video of the Grant Abbitt Youtube Channel Shortcuts: F for Brush Radius Shift + F for Brush Strength LMB -> Apply brush stroke Ctrl + LMB -> Apply reverse brush (Carving) Shift + LMB -> Smooth mesh Check "Dyntopo" option, Detailing switch to "Constant Detail" and resolution to 15.  Resolution 15 is fine for the base mesh, then switch to 20 for more details. You crank it up even higher for more details. Brushes used:  Draw Clay Strips Inflate Crease Smooth Flatten Scrape Grab Snake Hook To switch between objects, go to Layout , switch active object, go back into sculpt mode and now you can finally sculpt the selected object! For the materials, a simple setup was used, with just the principled shader ...

Creating Rocks and testing Materials

This time I have tried to improve my material skills, using the node editor. To further improve my skills in the node editor, I have consulted a blender conference video " Materials Made Easy - Non-Destructive Shading in Blender" , that you can check  here. It belongs to the  Official Blender Youtube Channel . To quickly model rocks , a similar workflow of the one shown in the video above was used.  Start with a simple extruded cube.    Then, add a subdivision surface to make it smooth.  Add a displace modifier with a Voronoi texture with large displacement scale, to give the base rock mesh.  Then, add a second subdivision surface modifier, to smooth out those weird edges from the displace modifier. At last, add a displace modifier with a second Voronoi texture, with smaller details. This gives the rock a more realistic look, without having to actually model a realistic one. On the modifiers tab you ...

Low poly car

This time I tried to make a low poly car. Since I first tried Blender my goal was to achieve a 3d car model, but I soon realized that it was a difficult task for a beginner to do without mastering the basic tools that Blender has to offer. So, I've tried to follow this tutorial from CG GEEK youtube channel, giving it my personal interpretation of the car. You can check the tutorial here:  Low Poly Vehicles | Easy Beginner | Blender 2.8 Tutorial Skills trained:  Using reference images (Car Reference: ) Basic modeling tools Basic Materials Basic Lighting Setup Basic Render Setup, with HDR background

Cloth and Wind Simulation - Flag

Today I tried to improve my simulation skills, by learning about cloth and wind simulations. Following a few tutorials, I have acheived this result that you can see below: To do this, start with a basic plane, subdivide it multiple times (W->Subdivide in Edit Mode) in order to have enough vertices for the cloth to behave without weird artifacts appearing in the simulation. The top and bottom left vertices of the flag are configured to stay in a static position, the rest of the flag behaves with cloth physics and there is a Wind force Field to make the flag stand up. Crank up the Wind Strangth in order to acheive similar results. Check the simulation to get a good frame to render, like the one chosen in the picture below. You can give thickness to the cloth with a simple Solidify modifier.  Get a nice material and render it.  Skills learned: Basic Materials Cloth Simulation Wind Simulation

T-70 Russian Tank experiments