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Cloth and Wind Simulation - Flag

Today I tried to improve my simulation skills, by learning about cloth and wind simulations. Following a few tutorials, I have acheived this result that you can see below:

To do this, start with a basic plane, subdivide it multiple times (W->Subdivide in Edit Mode) in order to have enough vertices for the cloth to behave without weird artifacts appearing in the simulation.

The top and bottom left vertices of the flag are configured to stay in a static position, the rest of the flag behaves with cloth physics and there is a Wind force Field to make the flag stand up. Crank up the Wind Strangth in order to acheive similar results. Check the simulation to get a good frame to render, like the one chosen in the picture below. You can give thickness to the cloth with a simple Solidify modifier.  Get a nice material and render it. 

Skills learned:
Basic Materials
Cloth Simulation
Wind Simulation
